James Hoban (US Army)
James Hoban was drafted in 1954 when he was 20 years old. Basic training was in Fort Chaffee, Arkansas. After basic training, he was sent to Seattle and to Korea. The army transporter took 18 days to arrive in Inchun, Korea. After they landed, they were given supplies and weapons. A train took him to 38th parallel area where he joined artillery battalion 96th division 8th army.
His job was to guard the 38th parallel DMZ line along with South Korean soldiers who were much older than US soldiers. Korean soldiers were in their 40’s and 50’s. The order was to shoot to kill anyone who came over the DMZ line from the North Korea. Sometimes North Korean soldiers would send over propaganda flyers which stated that they will cross over the DMZ line and will take over the country. They were trying to scare the soldiers in the South.
James Hoban, 1954
James Hoban poses with his rifle 1954
James lived in Quonset huts where small beds would be placed in two rows with a space in the middle. One stove would provide heat in the cold winter but it was very cold at nights. One time he was sent to Tokyo, Japan for one week for rest and recuperation. They were given $100 worth of Military Payment Certificates(MPC) which had same value as US dollars, and it could only be used in the military bases.
During holidays, Christmas, and New Year Days, a truck would go and pick up kids from nearby orphanages and bring them to the base for a week. The children loved to come since they were fed and presents were given. James has several photos taken with these children. He loved the children and felt bad when they had to return, kids were begging to stay with him. Even now 64 years later, he wonders what has happened to these children and wants to find them.
James Hoban with war orphans 1954
After his duty of 18 months in Korea, he returned back to his home in New Orleans. He was put into Army reserve. He was 22 years old and had to find a job so he decided to work with his uncle in sheet metal business. After 13 years he quit and started to work with horses, which was his dream for he loved horses from childhood.
For the next 40 years he worked with thoroughbred race horses and worked with different trainers traveling all over United States and Canada. He would ride each horse to exercise them, groom them, assist the trainers, worked with veterinarians, and became a stable foreman. Every morning at 4 AM his day would start at the stables, he loved horses and horses loved him. He had to quit this work after Katrina hit New Orleans and he retired.
Now, at the age of 86, James is in great health playing tennis every day, goes dancing at nights, and enjoys each day of his life.
Jefferson Parish President, Cynthia-Lee Sheng, with James Hoban at 2018 Korean War Memorial Service
Sun Kim with James Hoban, 2019